Shatan, Nicholas, Williams, Olivia R, and Community Innovators Lab (CoLab). (2020). “A Guide to Transformative Land Strategies: Lessons from the Field.” Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Boston, MA. June 2020.
News, magazines, & book chapters
Williams, Olivia R. and Gordon, Scott (2023). “Re-define “family” and reduce discrimination against Madison’s low-income renters.” Tone Madison. February 7, 2023.
Williams, Olivia R. (2022).
“Defining Solidarity Principles.” Nonprofit Quarterly. July 6, 2022.
Williams, Olivia R. (2021). “Housing development within F-35 flight path expected to proceed.” Tone Madison. December 6, 2021.
Williams, Olivia R. (2021). “Madison Must Commit to Permanently Affordable Housing.” Tone Madison. October 11, 2021.
Williams, Olivia R. (2021). “Madison’s Zoning Debate Is a Distraction from a Meaningful Affordable Housing Strategy.” Tone Madison. April 26, 2021.
Williams, Olivia R. (2020). “Community Control of Land: Thinking Beyond the Generic Community Land Trust.” On Common Ground: International Perspectives on the Community Land Trust. John Emmeus Davis, Line Algoed, María E. Hernández-Torrales (eds.)
Williams, Olivia R. (2020). “Madison’s housing crisis: not an isolated phenomenon.” Northside News. March 30, 2020.
Williams, Olivia R. (2019). “Are We Diluting the Mission of Community Land Trusts?” Shelterforce. August 30, 2019.
Williams, Olivia R. (2019). “The Problem with Community Land Trusts.” Jacobin (blog). July 7, 2019.
Williams, Olivia R. (2019). “Community Land without Grants and Debt: Funding Ecovillage Neighborhoods with Community Shareholders.” Communities. March 2019.
Williams, Olivia R., DeFilippis, James, Martin, Deborah G., Pierce, Joseph, Kruger, Richard, Esfahani, Azadeh Hadizadeh (2018). “Controlling land collectively: the CLT groundlease reimagined.” Shelterforce. Spring 2018
Peer-reviewed academic journal articles
Williams, Olivia R. and Pierce, Joseph (2020). Trialing conceptual analytic metaphors for socio-political economic alterity: epiphytes and slime molds. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies 18 (6): 1283–99.
Kruger, Richard, DeFilippis, James, Williams, Olivia R., Esfahani, Azadeh Hadizadeh, Martin, Deborah G., & Pierce, Joseph (2020). The Production of Community in Community Land Trusts. City and Community 19 (3): 638-655.
Martin, Deborah G., Esfahani, Azadeh Hadizadeh, Williams, Olivia R., Kruger, Richard, DeFilippis, James, Pierce, Joseph (2020). Meanings of limited equity homeownership in community land trusts. Housing Studies 35 (3): 395-414.
DeFilippis, James, Williams, Olivia R., Martin, Deborah G., Pierce, Joseph, Kruger, Richard Esfahani, Azadeh Hadizadeh (2019). On the transformative potential of community land trusts in the United States. Antipode 51 (3): 795–817.
Williams, Olivia R. (2018). Community control as a relationship between a place-based population and institution: the case of a community land trust. Local Economy 33 (5) 459–476.
DeFilippis, James, Stromberg, Brian and Williams, Olivia R. (2018). W(h)ither the community in Community Land Trusts? Journal of Urban Affairs 40 (6): 755–769.
This article also featured in The Affordable Housing Reader, 2nd ed (2022).
Williams, Olivia R. and Pierce, Joseph. (2017). Inserting scales of urban politics: the possibilities of meso-urban governance shims. Urban Geography 38 (6): 795–812.
Pierce, Joseph and Williams, Olivia R. (2016). Against power? Distinguishing between acquisitive resistance and subversion. Geografiska Annaler: Series B 98 (3): 795–812.
Pierce, Joseph Williams, Olivia R. and Martin, Deborah G. (2016). Rights in places: an analytical extension of the right to the city. Geoforum 70: 79–88.
Williams, Olivia R. and Pierce, Joseph (2016). Iterative parallelism as research praxis: embracing the discursive incommensurability of scholarship and everyday politics. Area 48 (2): 222–28.
Book reviews
Williams, Olivia R. (2017). Theories of resistance: Anarchism, geography, and the spirit of revolt by Marcelo Lopes de Souza, Richard J. White and Simon Springer (eds). Book Review. Antipode.
Williams, Olivia R. (2017). The Spirit of Revolution: beyond the dead ends of man by Drucilla Cornell and Stephen Seely. Book Review. Gender, Place, and Culture 24 (1): 150–1.
Williams, Olivia R. (2016). Collective Courage: A history of African American cooperative economic thought and practice by Jessica Gordon Nembhard. Book Review. Southeastern Geographer 56 (2): 248–50.
Williams, Olivia R. (2016). DIY Detroit: Making do in a city without services by Kimberly Kinder. Book review H-Net Citizenship.